At CyberManipal, accessible from, we aim to keep our visitors updated with the latest in the tech world. This Editorial Policy describes how we collect data and use your contributions.
If you have any additional queries, do not hesitate to contact us.
CyberManipal is your free source of latest news from the tech world, covering various aspects of cybersecurity, recent advancements in research and development, and other related technical stories . Aiming to provide readers with quality content encompassing credible information within a single paragraph, CyberManipal credits its contributors for upholding the standards of the write-ups on the site. CyberManipal is fully handled and operated Manipal information Security Team (MIST).
The content submitted to CyberManipal is a property of MIST and the writer/contributor. The content you submit, even if abridged or summarised from another longer article, must be your own original work. Plagiarism and copyright infringement is highly discouraged. MIST does not take responsibility for any content that falls under the above labels or is noticed by a third party as violating any of their rules.
MIST gives appropriate credits to content taken from any other source. Contributors are required to cite their sources while contributing towards CyberManipal.
The contributors get a dedicated profile on the website, with their name, photograph, and other social media handles, along with a short description of themselves. MIST does not pay any of the contributors in any way. MIST can use the content in any way it deems fit, and will do so without being objected by the contributor.
Create a profile for yourself on CyberManipal by filling out this form. Contribute to CyberManipal by submitting your write-up to us through this link.
The following are the fields you have to keep in mind while writing for us.
Title A short, catchy title for the news article
Tags One of the following tags: Vulnerabilities, Research and Development, Breaches, Frauds and Scams, Policies and Regulations
Name Name of the person writing the article
Date The original date on which the article was published
Credits Link to the original news article
Text The news article written in your own words, with a word limit of 250 words