Get to know these amazing members who make the club what it is.
9 Board members
We represent, look over and manage the entire club. It's just a fancy way of saying we do nothing important at all other than bossing people around, and we love it because we have earned it after being badgered by our seniors for two years. That's how it has always been, and that's how it will always be.
Kunal Surtani
Treasurer & InfoSec Head
32 ManComm members
Even the Board agrees that we do the most work in the club, but they would never admit it publicly. We are the hardest working people in the club. We slog through this hardship to qualify for the board seats and to become the next epitome of laziness.
34 WorkComm members
We are college freshers, and joining more than one club is the strict rule most of us follow. It is insurance for when things start getting difficult in one club. We are the most volatile members of any club. Maybe that's why the developer decided not to add an "about." information for us, although it is a fact that we do more work than the Board.